Exploring Pennsylvania’s waters is a great way to practice conservation and teach others to care for our waters and the critters that live in them. Follow these tips to do your part in caring for our waterways and the fish, reptiles, amphibians and other wildlife found in and around the water.
Don’t litter

Do your part in keeping our waterways and nearby land clean by packing out what you pack in. Bring a trash bag and pick up trash left behind by others. Wear gloves and be careful when picking up hooks or broken glass.
Fishing line is dangerous to all kinds of wildlife. Place fishing line (not trash) in collection tubes. The collected fishing line goes to a recycling program.
Don’t spread aquatic invasive species

Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are plants or animals that were introduced into waterways where they do not live naturally. They have harmful effects on the habitat and people’s use of the waterways. AIS can travel on fishing gear, boats, life jackets, clothing and shoes, and some species can live out of the water for days or weeks. Some AIS are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope!
Before you leave any body of water:
- Check your gear and remove any plants, mud and aquatic life.
- Do not transport any species from one waterway to another.
- Put unwanted fishing bait in the trash.
- Drain water from all equipment.
Find more tips to help prevent the spread of AIS.
Handle critters with care
Only keep fish you plan to eat, and follow regulations of seasons, sizes and daily limits. Give fish the best chance to live another day by practicing catch and release.

If you spend enough time outdoors, you’ll eventually come across reptiles, amphibians and other aquatic critters. It’s best to observe these animals with your eyes, not your hands. Watch the animal at a comfortable distance and snap some photos. It is illegal to take or keep many reptiles and amphibians, so do not take any of these animals home.
If you do see any reptiles or amphibians, report your sightings to the Pennsylvania Amphibian & Reptile Survey at www.paherpsurvey.org.
Buy a fishing license
Fishing license sales help protect Pennsylvania’s native species, conserve the outdoors and enhance waterways. Buy your fishing license online at huntfish.pa.gov to help fund conservation efforts.
Know the regulations
Regulations help protect Pennsylvania’s outdoors and wildlife. They also keep people safe. Do your best to know and follow the rules when exploring PA’s waters. If the rules seem too complex, don’t be afraid to ask for more information! State Park Rangers and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Waterways Conservation Officers are happy to help.