What to Know About Pennsylvania Launch Permits and Boat Registrations

Unpowered boats like kayaks must be registered or display a launch permit to use PFBC, state park or state forest accesses.

Launch permit or boat registration

Whether you set out to paddle a canoe, kayak or paddleboard, many Pennsylvania waters will require a boat registration or launch permit on your watercraft. Boats with motors always need to be registered to use, but boats without motors have options.

On some Pennsylvania waters, unpowered boats do NOT have to be registered or have a launch permit. But to adventure freely among PA’s many miles of waterways, it’s best to have one or the other. You’ll need one of them to launch from any PFBC access or in PA State Parks or Forests. It costs about the same to buy a launch permit (good for 1 or 2 years) or register your boat (2 years), but there are some added benefits to registering your boat.

Difference between registrations and launch permits

Traditionally, a launch permit has been a quick and easy way to get your boat on the water. With just some basic information about your boat, you can easily purchase a permit online (and launch right away with a copy of your receipt) or immediately get the permit in person from an issuing agent. Renewing registration is just as quick and easy as getting a launch permit.

Registering for the FIRST TIME takes a few extra steps including an application that requires more information than a launch permit. Also, first time registration cannot be completed online. Go to an issuing agent with the application and documents. You will get a 60-day temporary registration while the application is processing. You can also mail the paperwork to the PFBC.

Graphic of a 2024 Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission unpowered boat registration.

But the extra steps of registration pay off in some benefits that a launch permit does not offer:

  • Every state recognizes a valid PA boat registration.
  • You will receive registration renewal reminders to ensure you registration is up to date.
  • Registration helps in recovering lost or stolen boats.
  • Boat registration data helps contact boat owners when vessels get “loose”.

If you plan on enjoying your unpowered boat on many waters for many years, take the extra steps to register your boat. In the years that follow, you can renew with ease. Happy paddling!

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