Know Before You Go Paddling

When paddling Pennsylvania’s waterways, it’s important to be prepared with the appropriate gear and safety precautions to know before you go.

Required gear

Paddlers must have the following gear when on Pennsylvania’s waterways:

Illustration showing required gear for paddling, including a life jacket, whistle, Pennsylvania launch permit and light.
Required gear for paddling.
  • Life Jacket – Each person in a canoe, kayak, rowboat or stand-up paddleboard must have a wearable, USCG-approved life jacket. And children 12 years of age and younger must wear a life jacket when on the water. All paddlers must wear a life jacket from November 1 through April 30.
  • Signaling Device – Use a device such as a whistle to alert other boaters of your presence. 
  • Boat Registration or Launch Permit – Unpowered boats need to be properly registered or display a valid Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission or DCNR launch permit to use PFBC lakes or access areas, PA State Parks and PA State Forests.
  • Light – If you’re paddling after sunset, before sunrise or during low visibility, you must have a light onboard. 

Learn about the benefits of registering your boat.

Plan to get wet

Make sure you check the weather conditions and dress properly. We suggest layers, and you will want to wear clothing that is quick drying and comfortable.

Know the water and conditions 

Water trails are boat routes suitable for canoes, kayaks and small motorized watercraft. Like conventional trails, water trails are recreational corridors between specific locations. Water trails are comprised of water access points, boat launches, day-use sites, and some even have overnight camping areas.

The National Weather Service updates forecasts for the Middle Atlantic River and Ohio River regions, and the USGS monitors daily stream flows.

Understand the regulations

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s Boating Handbook provides boaters with information they need to know when operating watercraft on Pennsylvania waterways. It reviews the Commission’s boating regulations and includes information and tips to follow while boating. Learn more at

Leave a float plan

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission courtesy float plan. Field to complete include contact, boat description, people onboard, radio, automobile, trip information, stops and emergency contact.

Leave information on your paddle trip with someone who could be accessible in the case of an emergency.  

Share information on: 

  • Where you are going.
  • Where you are putting in and what time.
  • Where you are taking out is and what time you expect to take out. 
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